Financial Policies & Information

Academy Refund Policy - CONTRACT HERE

  • MLS NEXT, ECNL, ECNL RL, Premier, Elite Select
  • A $200 release fee must be paid prior to any release request's approval.  Season ending injuries and a move beyond 100 miles are exempt.
  • Financial Aid will be revoked and due upon any release request for anything other than a season ending injury or a move beyond 100 miles.
  • Release and/or Refund Request  - COMPLETE ONLINE REQUEST FORM CLICK HERE
  • Release and refund requests take 2-4 weeks to process. A release must be approved by the Coach and respective Program Coaching Director before being processed by the front office staff.
  • OCSS-Seminole does not buy back or refund uniform costs


Community & Recreational Policy - 

  • Little Lions, Jr Lions, Lion Cubs
  • A refund that is requested and approved prior the start of the season will incur a $25 administration fee
  • A refund that is requested and approved after the season starts will incur a $35 administration fee and is subject to proration
  • Uniforms are not refundable

Club Handbooks
